The same wood can be used to make the idol. The king also did this and got a piece of wood. The king then presented Lord Vishnu, as the craftsman, and Vishwakarma, as the sculptor. They agreed to prepare the idol within a month. However, they were required to be locked up in a small room with no access by the king.
A captivating story is associated with the history of "Jagannath Puri Temple". Sankad Puranas, Brahama Puranas and other Puranas are also included in the Shri Jagannath Temple. According to a traditional legend, Lord Jagannath’s Indranil or Sapphire made the first sculpture. It was discovered under an old tree.
The sculpture was so fascinating that the religion had to hide it beneath the earth. This sculpture was seen by King Malva Naresh Indradyumna in a dream. The king went through austerity, and Lord Vishnu then told him he was going to Puri beach and would receive a lump of wood.
The room in which the icons were being made was opened when there had been no stable for some time. It was found that the Hands of the idols were not yet made, but were set up to be venerated and the rest of the work would be done later. The idols of three similar Jagannathas, Balaram, and Subhadras were then placed in the Jagannatha Temple for worship.
It is one of India's most magnificent sanctuaries. Its great Oriya design never fails to inspire visitors. The temple covers an area of 4,00,000 sq. ft. and is enclosed by two rectangular walls. Meghanada Pacheri is the name of the external wall, which is 20 feet high. The other is known as Kurma Bedha, which surrounds the main Temple.
The gods are housed in the primary shikhara, which is taller than other shikhara. The sanctuary is divided into four distinct structures: the Vimana, Jagamohan, or the yard, Nata Mandir, and Bhoga Mandir. These are built in order.
The four gates are the eastern Singhadwara, the southern Ashwadwara, the western Vyaghrasana and the northern Hastidwara. The main gate is located on Grand Road. There are also many shrines within the temple complex. On top of the temple, you will find a wheel called the Nila Chakra (or the Blue Wheel). The chakra is made of various metals, and a different flag is raised every day.
Jagannath Temple Puri Celebrates Festivals
Sri Jagannatha Temple Puri celebrates religious festivals in a grand and passionate manner. You should not miss the following major festivals:
Puri Rath Yatra is the main festival of the temple. It usually takes place in June or July. The three symbols, Jagannath (the main god), Balabhadra (the goddess of love) and Subhadra (the goddess of death), are transported in chariots, or raths,
from Bada Danda to Gundicha Temple. After nine days they are then brought back to Jagannath Temple. Return yatras are also known as Bahuda Yatras and they are performed the same as Rath Yatras. The Lords are viewed by thousands of people. It's a wonderful sight to see the brightly colored deities.
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